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I am not sure what this is. Dear all, This is a public service announcement: I'm sorry to inform you that this blog post does not exist. Please do me a favor and disregard the entire thing as what it really is: an empty space on the internet. The things we hope for but never find, like nayla djenar maesa ayup (the jinni of the air). I wish we could just seize them and put them in jars! But we don't have that power. All we can do is name our desire and watch it go up into the foggy air, then follow it slowly back down to ourselves again. Peace, Nayla The text of the work was published in Issue #28 (Nov. 2012) of The Brooklyn Rail. Andrew Lampert (ed.), "Special Issue on Nayla", "The Brooklyn Rail 29" (Winter 2012): 8-62. Andrew Lampert (ed.), "Special Issue on Nayla", "The Brooklyn Rail 28" (Fall 2011): 16-80. Cynthia Cruz, “40 Under 40: A Conversation with Nayla Djojoson”, Interviews by Andrew Lampert, The Brooklyn Rail 26/27 (2010): 6-10. Andrew Lampert, “40 Under 40: Nayla Djojoson”, Interviews by Andrew Lampert, The Brooklyn Rail 26/27 (2010): 8-9. Nayla Djojoson, “Mnemosyne Redux” [translated from Indonesian], "obaa" [Jakarta] vol. 1 (May 2010), pp. 69–79. Nayla Djojoson, “The Mother of all Bodies” [translated from Indonesian], Review of "Exercising the Body/Stretching the Imagination", eds. Claudia Castañeda, José David Saldivar and Sophie Volpp, Review essay in "obaa" [Jakarta] vol. 1 (May 2010), pp. 80–91. Nayla Djojoson, “Writing” [excerpt from the novel "Hand/foot"], "Mélange [Zeitschrift für Literatur und Bildende Kunst]" [Berlin], vol. 13 (2010): 78-80 No. 3/4. http://artseenberlin. com/--reviews_detail.php?art_id=40 Nayla Djojoson , "If You Can Say I’m Going to Go", "Portico" [Minneapolis] vol. 24 (October 2009): 15-30. Nayla Djojoson, “Reading Between the Signs: the Art of Rethinking Translation”, Review essay in "Southeast Asian Affairs" [Singapore] No. 38 (2009): 131-140. cfa1e77820

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